With  in your garden you will have carefree enjoyment all summer long. This garden plant requires very little maintenance.

Extra fertiliser

So the blooms won’t fade and won’t need removing either. It is important to give extra fertiliser regularly since the plant uses a lot of nutrients. Adding general fertiliser once a month is sufficient.

Continuous bloom

To keep  in pots on your terrace or balcony, water them regularly, especially on sunny days.

Water regularly

If you have  in pots on your terrace or balcony, water them regularly, especially on sunny days.

Keep snails at bay

 is resistant to most diseases and pests. Simply use some snail pellets against snails.


 is half-hardy and can tolerate mild frost. About 70% of the plants survive the winter in the Netherlands if left uncovered. Almost all the plants survive if they are covered with straw.

Plants in pots freeze quicker than when in the ground and are best brought inside and placed in a frost-free spot during winter. When the plants start growing again in the spring some extra fertiliser will enable the plant to flower faster.